Can You Cultivate Luck?

Can You Cultivate Luck?
Photo by Nick Fewings / Unsplash

Luck often wears a mystical cloak in our minds, appearing unsummoned and beyond our grasp while evoking an aura of randomness. However, delving deeper into its characteristics, reveals that luck isn't so elusive or unpredictable after all. There are different types of 'luck' that we encounter in our lives, each with its own unique features and triggers. By understanding these varieties, we can work towards not just leaving our fate to chance, but actually cultivating the conditions for luck to materialize. This blog will unravel the concept of luck, by exploring the four different types - blind luck, luck through hard work, luck from 'luck spotting', and luck through the 'network effect -providing straightforward strategies to enhance them, and demonstrating how improving luck can be beneficial, if not transformative, in facets ranging from personal mindfulness efforts, health and fitness goals, to financial stability and career growth in a tech-centric world. Buckle up as we embark on the journey of making our own luck!

The Four Types of Luck

In order to cultivate luck, we first need to understand its multiple dimensions. Let's peel back the layers on these four types of luck.

Blind Luck

Blind luck is what most people typically think of when they hear the word 'luck.' This is the random, unexpected good fortune that seems to strike without forewarning or discrimination. It's finding a lost twenty-dollar bill on your morning walk, or having the rain start just after you get indoors. Blind luck is not influenced by actions or decisions – it simply happens.

Luck through hard work

Contrary to blind luck, this type of luck doesn't just "happen" – it's a by-product of consistent effort and diligence. Do you know someone who always seems to get the perfect opportunities or is consistently successful? They are likely beneficiaries of this type of luck. When you're dedicated and work hard, you create more opportunities for good fortune to find you. For instance, a committed Crossfit athlete might 'luckily' achieve a personal record because they were consistent in their training.

Luck from an uncanny intuition or 'Luck Spotting'

This type of luck comes from having a deep understanding or instinct about something, resulting in the ability to anticipate or spot luck that others might miss. It requires finely-tuned perception and a certain level of expertise. A seasoned coder, for example, can 'spot' potential bugs or ways to optimize a program that a novice might overlook - a lucky catch, we could say!

Luck through networking or the 'Network Effect'

The 'network effect' relates to the idea that your connections or the company you keep can open the door to luck. You might meet your next business partner or get your breakthrough job opportunity through someone you know. It doesn't mean you don't put the effort in, but rather that your network serves as a bridge to opportunities, sort of like a luck superhighway.

Each of these types of luck plays a unique role, and understanding them helps us make luck less about chance and more about strategy. But we can do more than just understand luck, we can also influence it. Now, that doesn't mean we can predict when or where a twenty-dollar bill might be lying in wait, but it does mean we can create more opportunities for luck to show up in our lives. Let's see how.

How Improving Luck Enhances Various Aspects of Life

A taste of good fortune can manifest positive ripples across diverse dimensions of life. Let's explore these effects.


As we strive to cultivate luck, we inherently increase our awareness and presence in the moment. This fosters mindfulness, helping us enjoy life's unfolding moments and maintain emotional balance. The practices we develop to increase luck-spotting, such as meditation, not only enhance our intuition but promote mental tranquillity and mindfulness.

Health and Fitness

Luck in the realm of health and fitness may seem like an alien concept. However, consistently following your nutrition and fitness regimen (luck through hard work) or seeking guidance from peers and trainers (network effect) can lead to fortunate breakthroughs. That could be finally tipping the scales to your ideal weight or spontaneously discovering a delicious, healthy recipe.


A wise investment decision or an unplanned job promotion can boost your financial health significantly. These lucky breaks often result from a combination of the elements discussed—network effect (connections), hard work, and luck spotting (financial acumen). Improved finances can, in turn, contribute to overall life quality and enable further opportunities for growth.

Career (Coding, Software, Automation)

The world of coding and software offers a scintillating arena for luck to play. From stumbling upon innovative coding solutions to meeting your future co-founder at a tech event, luck can transform your career trajectory. Constant learning ensures you are equipped to seize lucky opportunities when they present themselves.

In essence, understanding and harnessing luck's power can catalyze a cascade of betterment in various walks of life. However, the key rests in our hands as we strive to embrace and encourage all forms of luck, elucidating the adage 'Make your own luck.' A pertinacious pursuit of this concept is summed up in the conclusion that follows next.


In our journey to engineer a fulfilling life, the importance of luck cannot be understated. Rather than simply watching from the sidelines, hoping for fortuitous occurrences, we can actively cultivate conditions conducive to each type of luck—blind luck, luck through hard work, 'luck spotting', and the 'network effect'.

By adopting an open mindset and positive attitude, we can appreciate and benefit from blind luck. By demonstrating unwavering dedication to our tasks, we invite the luck that hard work bestows. By honing our intuitions and awareness, we can spot luck where others might not. And by building genuine, meaningful relationships, we can enjoy the fruits of the 'network effect'.

As we become masters of our own luck, we'll notice enhancements across the spectrum of life—from mindfulness, health and fitness, to finances and our careers. We’ll achieve more, learn quicker, and enjoy life more richly. So, let’s not leave luck to chance. Let’s step out, recognize luck in its different forms, learn to invite it in, and truly optimize our lives. Remember, we're not just waiting for luck, we are making our own. Let's embrace the journey of becoming active luck creators, shaping not just our own destinies, but those around us.