9 Tech Tips to Simplify Your Life and Reduce Stress

From productivity tools to sleep trackers, there are countless ways that technology can help streamline your day-to-day life

9 Tech Tips to Simplify Your Life and Reduce Stress
Photo by Ales Nesetril / Unsplash

We all know that life can get incredibly stressful and overwhelming sometimes. Whether it’s the pressure of a job, managing relationships, or daily tasks, it can be all too easy to get bogged down. But did you know that technology can help ease some of that stress? In today’s digital age, there are countless apps, websites, and tools that can help make your life simpler and smoother. From automating tasks to organizing your day, in this blog post, we will be discussing 10 tech-savvy tips to help reduce stress and streamline your life.

Use a Productivity App

One of the simplest ways to reduce stress is by making a to-do list and sticking to it. But with so many tasks on our plates, it can be hard to keep track of everything. That’s where productivity apps come in handy. Apps like Todoist, Asana, and Trello allow you to create task lists and set deadlines, so you can keep on top of all your tasks.


I use todoist every single day.

Automate Your Tasks

Technology can help automate repetitive tasks, such as paying bills or scheduling appointments, so you can spend more time doing the things you love. Tools like If This Then That (IFTTT) allow you to set up automatic triggers and actions, so you don’t have to do anything manually.


I use make, ifttt, and zapier every single day.

Use Speech-to-Text Technology

Typing can be a tiring and time-consuming task. Instead, try using speech-to-text technology and let your computer do the typing for you. This is especially useful for those who struggle with typing or finding the right words. You can use the built-in speech-to-text technology on your phone or computer, or you can download a dedicated app like Dragon Naturally Speaking.


I use dication on iOS and I really miss it on Android.

Use a Password Manager

Do you struggle to remember all your passwords? Instead of using the same password for every account, which can make it easier for hackers to gain access, use a password manager. These tools, such as LastPass or 1Password, securely save your passwords so you don’t have to remember them.


I use ProtonPass.

Turn off Notifications

Notifications from social media, emails, and messaging apps can be a constant source of distraction. Turn off notifications for non-essential apps, or use an app like Freedom or Focus@Will to block them during your designated work time.


I only have notifications on for a few key people who are directly messaging me.

Use a Meditation App

Meditation has been proven to reduce stress levels and increase focus. Use a meditation app, such as Headspace or Calm, to guide you through mindfulness exercises and help you de-stress.


I use daily and recommend Waking Up by Sam Harris.

Stick to a Schedule

Having a consistent routine can help reduce stress and increase productivity. Use a scheduling tool like Google Calendar or Sunrise to plan out your day and stick to a routine.


I use reclaim.ai and vimcal.

Use a Note-Taking App

Jotting down important ideas or information can help free up space in your mind and reduce stress. Use a note-taking app like Evernote or OneNote to keep all your notes organized and in one place.


I use roam research, notion, and I admit I still use evernote too.

Get Enough Sleep

Adequate sleep is critical to reducing stress levels and increasing focus. Use a sleep tracking app like Sleep Cycle or Pillow to track your sleep patterns and improve your sleep habits.


I track sleep with an apple watch and use the Gyroscope app to view the data.

In conclusion, technology can be a powerful tool when it comes to simplifying your life and reducing stress. From productivity tools to sleep trackers, there are countless ways that technology can help streamline your day-to-day life. By incorporating some of these tech-savvy tips into your routine, you can free up more time, reduce stress, and focus on the things that truly matter to you. So why not give it a try today and see how it can change your life.